Saturday, January 14, 2012

Poinsettia - the winter flower

Since December, I have been quesionning myself on the reason of this curious invasion of red flowers everywhere in the City:

And it has been a pleasure to discover a nice story behind it. Sit down, close your eyes, be quiet and listen...

Once upon a time, in the early 20th century, Albert Ecke, a nice Californian little man was grewing different variety of flowers. One day, he figured out that he was harvesting this shning red flower every winter and that it could become the perfect Chritmas holiday plant. And that's how he started commercializing it.

With its star shape, this flower represents the Bethleem star which led the three wise en to Christ for some people. Back in the 18th century, in Mexico (where the plant is originated from), it was already a Christmas tradition due to this star shape. Besides, the name of the plant comes from Joseph Poinset, America's first ambassador of Mexico who brought the plant to the America in 1828.

And as evry Christmas story, the poinsettia has also its legend where it says that legend that a small boy in Mexico on a Christmas Eve discovered the plant . He was on his way to church, but he had no offering for the manger. An angel suddenly appeared, and told him to pick weeds for his offering. The weeds grew into what we now know as the poinsettia.

Chirstmas is already behind us but it's never to late to wish us all a Happy New Year.
Enjoy, life is even shorter!

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